Package CT-DB
Classes summary
db_accessor | Returning an array instead probably would simplify result handling. |
db_deletefields | |
db_execute | |
db_fields | |
db_insertfields | |
db_updatefields |
Functions summary
db_cleanParam | Allow only numbers and commata |
db_connect | Connect to the MySQL database. Use persistent connection and set names utf8 |
db_delete | Delete data in tables |
db_implode | Implode $arr to comma separated WHERE condition and clean string |
db_insert | Insert data into a table |
db_query | ChurchTools primary db access. |
db_update | db_update("cs_event") ->fields($fields) ->condition('id',$_GET["id"],"=") ->execute(); |
dump_database | db backup into file $files_dir . "/db_backup" |
escape_string | Escape the string through a dbp->quote function |
isCTDBTable | Returns true if the table is a CT table |
restore_database |